The Problem/Solution white paper convinces readers that they need what you are selling. This type of paper establishes the problem in a way that showcases diversify and what successes achieved in this your product is the perfect solution. I need a white paper on the top 3 insurance brokers aon, wtw and marsh mclennan. I have some research done as attached but what I need is what each company is doing to to diversify their vendor suppliers under the research and recommendations to accommodate i.e. Specify a research find in accordance with ESG (attached) and their success or intervention of efforts to accommodate diversity in their company Then, a recommendation or solution for each problem at least 3

so what each competitor is doing

 ie AON research 1

WTW research 2

marrsh mclennan research 3

then recommendations will be

AON recommendations 1

WTW recommendations 2

marsh mclennan recommendation 3

the intro executive summary is good just a bit on the methodology research recommendation

include the 30 percent info (attached) and abit from Houston Minority business center. (https://affiliate.nmsdc.org/hmsdc)

https://30percentclub.org/about-us/ This site has information as to how company can diversify it supplier vendors.

final paper format should be

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