Peer Response 1
Peer responses must be substantive and add something to the original posts and should be a minimum of 3-4 sentences but can certainly be longer. (150 words). Discussions must have a minimum of two references, not older than 2015
Importance of Legal System for Nurse
The nursing profession is charged with caring for people who cannot care for themselves, especially due to an illness. Caring has a direct impact on the health and life of individual families and communities. The stretched impact of caring thus creates the importance of regulating the nursing practice. All registered nurses are thus professionally and legally accountable for their actions, whether they are following their superior’s instructions or their initiative. The legal system ensures nurses practice according to the laws of nursing.
One of the important aspects of the nursing, legal system is sources of law. Nursing laws mainly originate from administrative and statutory laws. Administrative laws are associated with the legislative branch of the government, which delegates authority to government agencies to create laws (Jones &Barllett 2019). For instance, the Board of Nurses is a government agency delegated to establish nursing standards. Statutory laws are established through the formal legislative process. Other sources of laws include enforcing laws and case laws. Court cases develop laws from court decisions, while enforcement laws include both civil and criminal laws.
The State Boards of Nursing have a major task in the legal system of nursing. They are responsible for developing standards of practice, licensure, and disciplinary actions. Therefore, nurses must understand the power and aspects of licensing. For instance, for a nurse to be considered a registered nurse, they must pass the licensure examination (Catalano 2019). Nursing is a high-risk profession, especially with informed consent and confidentiality areas. Consequently, nurses may also be charged with negligence and malpractice. Therefore, nurses should be aware of and understand the court process for malpractice and negligence cases.
Peer Response 2
Peer responses must be substantive and add something to the original posts and should be a minimum of 3-4 sentences but can certainly be longer. (150 words). Discussions must have a minimum of two references, not older than 2015
What does “reasonable and prudent” mean as it relates to standards of care?
To be a reasonable nurse is identified as a nurse who implements good judgement in the work field. Reasonable individuals implement caution and concern when decision making to provide safely for others (Health & Senior Services., 2020). It Is part of decision making to have reason for each desired outcome. Being reasonable is a standard that must be met by all healthcare professionals in the work field. Lack of reasonable judgment can lead to fatalities due to poor insight and judgement.
Prudent and reasonable nurses secure better outcomes and values for clients. As a nurse we have an act of duty to provide proper healthcare which includes being reasonable to all as well as prudent (Legal Rights and Responsibilities. July 2016). Prudent care involves providing care according to standards that have been determined and analyzed in the facility. Showing care and providing care now to provide better outcomes for the future is also to be a prudent nurse.
For instance, a nurse who is prudent will provide specific skin care for a client who has fragile skin. This is to prevent future skin breakdown and possible pressure ulcers. This nurse in being reasonable and prudent in hopes of a better outcome. Each facility might establish different rules but throughout healthcare the same main goal is established. This goal is to apply and maintain sincere, reasonable and prudent care to all clients.