unit 2 Assignment CIS 121 (Bellevue)-Cassandra

Start your assignment by reviewing all of the resources. 
Your assignment this week is to explain how you use (or will use) OneDrive to store your files. This is your OneDrive Storage Plan and explains why you have made the decisions you are making about this plan. Provide enough details to fully explain how you’ll organize your files and folders using OneDrive along with your reasoning. You can include an image or screenshot showing how you’re using your OneDrive account. You could also draw a picture to show your folders and subfolders. What I’m looking for is that you have logically considered how to store and access your files using OneDrive, so you’ll be able to find them when you need to. Your response should be 2-3 paragraphs explaining how you would use OneDrive to save your files, whether it’s for school, work or personal reasons. As a part of your assignment, develop your storage plan for how to organize your files using OneDrive. If you just start saving all your work (perhaps from more than one class) to your OneDrive account, eventually, you’ll have so many documents, pictures, and other types of files that it’ll be hard to remember what you named a specific document and you’ll have a hard time finding it! What I recommend is that you create a couple of folders. Give your folders appropriate names such as CIS121, CISXXX, and Pictures. This way your files will stay organized and you’ll be able to find them when you need them!

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