The Effects of Unemployment among Immigrant Adults APA Research paper

Hi, I need an APA reaserch paper (Eessay)  It has to be APA about one social determinants of health which is Unemployemnt for immigrant adults in canada 

I just want you to write the body of the essay which has to be 3 pages I dont need a title page neither a resources page i just need the body 

Unemployment -> health problems income food drug use how it affects physicla, mental health and social health 

1) Write about the social determinant of health (The effects of unemployment on the immigrants health) you can reword my topic i need it to be profssional 

2) Research literature should be utilized to support the paper minimum of 3 scholarly journal articles one of the articles has to be canadian source. The articles must be within the 5 years (reflects current information) and must be utilized to support the paper. 

3) The body of the essay will be a maximum of 3 pages double spaced 12 front excluding title page and refernece list if you submit paper that exceeds the 3 pages the content on addditional pages will not be graded 

4) introduction ( Clearly describe a specific topic or issue and its relevance to professional nursing with patients / families / communities. Develop and articulate a clear thesis statment to explore within the paper. 

* discuss the challenges that patients or families and nurses face in canada in the situations or conditions associated with your chosen social deteminant of health 

* Identify the role of nurses in addressing the challenges and improving quality and safety of care in the situations or conditions 


provide a clear concise summary of your findings and implications 

you must use a minimum of 3 articles that were published within the last 5 years. After that, you may use any additional resources from earlier dates including newspaper articles, professional organizations websites, government websites or non-peer reviewed articles. 

 paraphrasing is the appropriate method for citing information.

I have included an outline to help organize ideas before starting the paper I have also included an example but i dont need plagirazm  

Another example : but i dont need a title page and a refernce just a body!!!

Sites to use have to be peer reviewed And withinthe last 5 years it has tobe scholarly article

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