Paper format: 6 page essay, times new roman, 12 pt font, 1 inch margins (all sides), double-spaced
Topic: This paper should discuss why virtual communities is a good place for information exchange, but not for forming strong-ties friendships, based on a personal observation on “Indonesian Pawdle Community”, a community I studied. Basically, Indonesian Pawdle Community is a WhatsApp based community for poodle dog owners in Indonesia. All they are is a text message group, and anyone is free to join.
Guideline: I have conducted study on the “Indonesian Pawdle Community” and collected evidence of how the community communicate with each other, and how it is difficult to form friendships through it. The data and analysis has been summarized in a file I attach (name: data and analysis.docx). You can make up scenarios such as stating that you texted some of the members to collect information, or any other scenarios you think is relevant for the study.
Paper Outline (please follow this): Attached as file (name: paper outline.docx)
*Citations and works cited page should be in ASA format. The ONLY papers that are allowed to be cited are the 2 files I attach (name: research paper 1 and research paper 2). Please DO NOT use any other references.*