Risk Research Paper in Healthcare Industry

For this course, your final assessment will be a Risk Research Paper. To accomplish this, you will use the materials you gather through research and deliverables that you complete throughout the course. 
You are free to be creative and explore your concept within any context that interests you. You will be choosing an industry type (I CHOSE CYBERSECURITY AND RISK MANAGEMENT IN HEALTHCARE INDUSTRY SO THE PAPER MUST BE OVER HEALTHCARE!) to complete your assignment. You will then discuss how that industry has mitigated Risk and how this has changed the industry in question. This assessment will have both a writing and a presentation component.A few requirements to consider as you develop your paper:
The page limit is 10 – 15 pages. This means that you should not be under 10 or over 15. A page counts towards this number once you fill half of a page. For example:You have 9 full pages and page 10 is half full, this counts as a 10-page paper.You have 14 full pages and page 15 is half full, this counts as a 15-page paper.Page count does not include title or reference pages.Adhere to all APA Guidelines.Going under or over the limits outlined above will affect your grade.
You must have at least 10 references, but no more than 20. Half of your references must come from an academic journal. The last half can be from any other source, but I caution you to limit nonacademic journal sources to company websites, trade journals, or a white paper. The Harding Library will serve as a great resource for you to find academic journals.

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