Reflection of Women Social Change and Issues

Write a literary piece in a form used in this course (essay, personal narrative, short story, poem, song lyrics).

  • In light of the resources, you have been exposed to throughout this course, in what ways is women’s literature important to efforts for social change?
  • Consider why the medium of literature will continue to be important for women to express social issues and concerns. What future trends do you foresee in women’s literature?
  • Include three new insights you gained from this course.

Insights I have learned: 

  • social change concerning women comes from women being vocal and stern about earning respect
  • Women have TAKEN the opportunity to be heard instead of waiting for the opportunity to be handed to them
  • Women are still fighting to gain equality in the workplace concerning position and compensation but they are also taking matters into their own hands and creating their own businesses where they pay themselves what they deserve
  • There is an unspoken criteria for how women should look after motherhood according to social media. This is not only affecting women bodies but also their mental because not all women are able to live up to these body standards they see on tv, social media and magazines.


  1. Shange, N- for colored girls who have considered suicide when the rainbow is enuf
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