Professional Ethics Case Review (video assignment) – The purpose of this assignment is to learn how to navigate ethics in real-time. As you’ve learned throughout this course, ethics is embedded in our daily work as counselors, which is mostly conveyed orally. Therefore, this assignment helps you to listen to what is being said (and not said). Then you will formulate a respond that is well articulated and professionally organized that identifies potential ethical violations and recommendations for avoiding those violations. Having a comfortable understanding with our Code of Ethics and utilizing ethical decision-making processes are important in the profession.
This assignment has two parts:
Part 1: Review the ethical case video (this is a real case (de-identified) that came before the NYS Review Board for the Office of Professions).
Part 2: Students make their own 4-minute video response to the Board of Ethics for the New York State Office of Professions. Components of the video response must include:
One: The student must be able to summarize and present in the initial portion of the video who they are, why they’ve been asked to review the case, and what the case is about:
what concerns were brought forward designating it as an ethical violation case.
what are the facts in this case (as you see them)?
what are the ethical violations you observed? Are there any professional concerns you noted (cultural issues, integrity to the profession, etc.)?
Two: The student must cite four potential code of ethics violations and how they could have been avoided.
For example, if you noted there was a violation of Duty to Warn, be clear why/how the code was violated, and what should have professionally occurred so the violation may have been avoided.
For example – to avoid the Duty to Warn code of ethics violation, the counselor could have shared the concern with their immediate site supervisor to ensure notification to the proper individual/authorities was delivered and to ensure the safety of the individual to whom the threat was targeted. Another way may be to notify immediate family members of the concern to ensure safety. In this case Duty to Warn is a mandated reporting requirement in NYS, so you don’t need consent from the client to notify the person being threatened.
Depending on the outcome (a death occurred), the violation could result in the loss of the license or have the license suspended for a period of time with a financial fee. As you are considering your responses, consider all ways of looking at the violation and how it could have been prevented and/or how the counselor could prevent moving forward.
Refer back to the ACA Code of Ethics to identify these violations.
Note: When recording, the student must be articulate and direct (no ummmms, aahhh, giggles, long pauses, slang, personal opinion, or reading directly from your notes). Hypothetically, attorneys for the Office of Professions will be listening to your review of the case, so you’ll be informing them of the ethical violations involved in the case. You are not the legal arbiter of the counselor’s fate, only a piece of the professional puzzle representing the profession (not the law), and helping the Office of Professions determine if the counselor is professionally prepared to continue in the profession or may need additional training before continuing.
For this assignment, it is assumed you are new to the profession and may not have a fully formed idea on how to address ethical concerns. That’s ok. What we are looking for is your thought process as you identify potential code of ethics violations and how the violation may have been avoided.
Grading Breakdown [200 total points]:
10 points for introduction
40 for each code violation that is noted/explained/how it could have been avoided [4 required]
10 points for summary
20 points for quality of