How do international students experience the influence of Covid 19?
This is the question we researched. The attachment provides examples of this assignment, the requirements for the assignment and the process we used to research the international student problem.
Students will work in small groups (2-3 people) on a project that engages 3-5 participants from your community network (i.e., friends/family/peers/colleagues/etc) in taking photographs (that they choose to take to represent their experiences with a specific education related issue), and coming together virtually to discuss and interpret their photographs. Students may choose the topic for their photovoice project from their own interests, or from topics identified by the course instructor.
The purpose of the project is to engage all participants in: developing a relationship as co-learners; using photovoice techniques and procedures with community members to systematically investigate and construct the everyday life and meanings of education issues they are facing; identifying shifting locations of power during the research process and addressing issues of ethics; and reviewing findings for potential application to education. The products to be generated will be the researcher’s journal (i.e., written field notes), a photo presentation for each community participant and a class “presentation” of photographs, findings and lessons learned (i.e. reflection). The “presentation” should include a detailed description of the methods used for data collection and analysis.