philosophy quiz

QUIZ #1: ARGUMENT STRUCTURE Deductive vs. Inductive Arguments and Counterexamples 25 problems:, first: Inductive vs. Deductive. There are samples and explanations there. Then try this quiz. For the first two problems, your job is to prove the argument is invalid by finding a counterexample. You are supplying true premises and a false conclusion that fits the argument’s pattern, proving the argument’s structure (its form) is not good. If you find a counterexample, you know the argument is invalid. (A valid argument can only lead from true premises to a true conclusion since the structure is solid.)  For the remaining 23 problems, your job is to test the argument: How strongly do the premises (reason/evidence) support the conclusion? Decide if the argument (argument = premises + conclusion) is inductive, deductive, or invalid. Your three options for judging the strength of the logical inference in each passage: (i) Deductive: IF the premise(s) are true (are assumed to be true), then the conclusion must be true (has to be true). (ii) Inductive = IF the premise(s) are assumed to be true, then the conclusion is probably (51% +) true (based on the premises). (iii) Invalid = Even if the premises were true, the conclusion is still 50% or less likely to be true, based on those premises.