Outline the organization’s objectives and overall strategy and operations. Explain how the goals and objectives of the proposed informatics solution align to those of the organization.
Intermountain Healthcare, (n.d.) Intermountain Healthcare’s objectives and overall operation strategy include:
- Redesigning care—with the use of evidence-based medicine in treatment to provide the right care, in the right setting and the right time, avoiding under-treatment, over-treatment and misuse of resources.
- Aligning financial incentives—by ensuring that everyone benefits from high-quality, high-value care by encouraging the highest clinical quality, best patient health and experience and appropriate management of costs
- Engaging patients—by working to achieve better patient health by promoting wellness and prevention and engaging more in choices about health and care.
Intermountain Healthcare delivers:
- Outstanding clinical care in a consistent, coordinated way and improving care through evidence-based practice.
- Provides compassionate healing experience, fully involving patients in clinical and financial decisions about their healthcare and encouraging them to take responsibility for healthy choices.
- Operational effectiveness—wise and innovative stewards of resources and maintain financial stability necessary to meet high standards of quality and affordability.
- Helping communities meet diverse healthcare needs by providing excellent care at the lowest appropriate cost and performing the highest level of care, by learning and looking for ways to improve.
The goal of the proposed informatics solution is to improve EHR usability and ease of documentation to promote more bedside patient care than technology driven care and improving the overall operational strategy of the department to aligned with the organization’s objective and goals of care.
Intermountain Healthcare. (n.d.). Our approach: About Us: Intermountain healthcare. intermountainhealthcare.org. https://intermountainhealthcare.org/about/transforming-healthcare/our-approach/