nationality based/ cultural population with history, viewpoints and practices of dental hygiene




In relation to the course as a whole, 20% of your final grade is dedicated to the final project which includes a written essay, as well as an APA-style Reference page of where you retrieved the information about which you wrote. Broken down, the written essay will count for 20% of your final grade, while the APA-style Reference page will count for 10% of your final grade.


Your topic is the specific, nationality-based/ cultural population of your choice, along with their history, viewpoints and practices of dental hygieneOR medical care. You do not have to do both.

For example, if you choose Colombia and want to write about dental hygiene, your topic and report title is: The History, Viewpoints, and Practices of Dental Hygiene for the Colombian-American Population.

OR, if you want to write about medical care, and choose another country such as China, your topic and report title is: The History, Viewpoints, and Practices of Medical Care for the Chinese-American Population.

Youmust be able to provide, in YOUR OWN WORDS, an essayof the information you’ve gathered.

You should read any and all reliable sources regarding your topic that you can get your hands on, and cite whatever you will mention in your Reference Page. The Plaza College Library is a great place to do this. Our librarian and her staff will be happy to help you locate newspaper articles, peer-reviewed professional journal articles, and expert-written literature on your assigned population.You should utilize Ebsco Host and/or Proquest to acquire these sources.

These topics are chosen on the basis that this Sociology course is dedicated, primarily, to our Allied Health and Dental Hygiene students. Dental Hygiene students in the class are encouraged to write about dental hygiene, and Allied Health students are encouraged to write about medical care. I want you to feel that this research will help you in your field of study and future career.

However, if there is another topic of research that you would like to pursue outside of either of these topics, please email me so we can discuss.


You will go greatly in-depth when reporting your findingsvia yourwritten essay. You have doneresearch and havemuch to share about what you have learned about your chosen population with regard to their history, viewpoints and practices of dental hygiene or medical care.You will be expected to address the following, sticking to this format, while constructing your essay:


Paragraph 1: Introduction

  • Identification of your assigned population geographically on a map with regard to nation of origin.

Example: Continent, surrounding countries, region, state/municipality, city/town, village.

  • Offer a statement showing the necessity of this population to receive dental care or medical care.

Paragraph 2:History / Identification of Rationalization

  • A historical synopsis of the population’s socio-economic status, access (or lack of access) to dental or medical care, and accessibility and lifestyle with regard to general oral hygiene or medical care.

Example 1: Population lives in an impoverished setting and is a poorly educated, unemployable group with neither access to nor regard for westernized dental care or medical care.

  • Recognize the reasonsfor the lack of oral hygiene or inaccessibility of medical care within your population.

Example 1: Hygienists and dentists are few and far between in the village, sterilization of tools is

impossible due to lack of clean water in the village, a religious belief regards teeth cleaning as a

sin, etc.

Example 2: Well-trained and educated doctors and nurses are not common in rural areas for this population, proper routine check-ups or prescription medicine is very hard to come by without travelling a far distance, lack of access to viable, consistent transportation to visit doctors or hospitals, etc.

Paragraph 3:Problem Solving

  • In your field, you will need to learn how to work with a variety of people, from a variety of identities, beliefs, past experiences, values, history, and cultures. How would you, using what you know about a patient’s home culture and values, convince a patient from your assigned population to submit to professional dental care and maintain proper oral hygiene? Or, how would you convince a patient from your assigned population to accept pharmaceutical prescriptions or consent to a procedure that they may be wary about?

Example 1: Emphasize the risk of pain that will come if teeth and gums aren’t cared for, explain that oral hygiene and regular dental care is a social norm in America.

Example 2: Explain the safety and benefits of necessary medicinal treatments, or the importance of seeing their doctor for regular check-ups.

Paragraph 4:Your Interview with a Member of your Assigned Population

  • This does not have to be a long, formal interview. Your main goal is to understand your interviewee’s experiences, values, or concerns related to dental care/medical care, so you can hear it in their own words and their own voice.
  • Talking with a member of your chosen population will bring to life the research you have done for this paper. Research is incredibly important, but truly listening to and understanding another person’s story, in their own words, is just as critical.
  • Report your findings.

Paragraph 5Conclusion

  • Restate the necessity of this population receiving dental care/ medical care.
  • Discuss the consequences of this population’s failure to do so.

APA Referenceshould reflect your in-text citations.


Final Project = 30% of Final Grade

Essay Paragraph 1 –2%

Essay Paragraph 2 – 4%

Essay Paragraph 3 – 4%

Essay Paragraph 4 – 8%

Essay Paragraph 5 – 2%

APA Style Reference Page – 10%

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