Module 11 Assignment: A Good Death

In the Death and Dying module, we learned about the different attitudes and emotional reactions related to death and dying. We also explored different care practices related to the process of death and dying. Ideally, we would all be able to die with dignity and pass away according to our own wishes. And yet, we live in a culture where we do not often talk about death (or even think about it) and certainly do not plan for it. Unfortunately, death does not wait until the time is convenient. The only way you can die the way you want is by deciding what you want now, talking about it with your loved ones, and better yet…. putting it in writing. Thus, the goal of this assignment is to reflect on these details and write about your ideal death with dignity.

STEP 1. Read the textbook module on:

STEP 2. Watch the 5-minute TedTalk video below about how a First Responder describes what happened when a critically injured patient asked him, “Am I going to die?”.

STEP 3. Reflecting on the above text and video content, reflect on and answer ALL of the prompts below: Describe your reaction to the TedTalk video. In what ways were you surprised (or not surprised) by the speaker’s answer? Take the perspective of either the First Responder or the Dying Person, and explain whether or not you would want the truth and why. If you had a terminal condition or were declared brain dead from an accident, would you want to be put on life support? Why or why not? Your answer should consider the length of time on life support, the cost of daily life support, who will be responsible for choosing to remove life support, and possible disagreement between responsible parties. Describe your preferences for a “good death.” Your answer should consider the location of your death (e.g. hospital, home, etc.), the use of palliative/hospice care services for you and your family, and what is to be done with your body (e.g. buried, cremated, etc.), along with the cost associated with your choices and the reasons for your choices as well. Physician-assisted suicide is legal in a few states and in a few countries. If you knew you were dying, would you consider this an option? Why or why not?

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