Thesis Outline ABSTRACT (ENG & TR) INTRODUCTION AND AIM * Information about the subject of the project, *The purpose and importance of the thesis, * Reasons for studying the subject, *Aimed innovations in terms of contribution to science and/or method (It should be supported with references and should be given without comment. max. 3 pages). GENERAL DESCRIPTION *Up-to-date information that will benefit the comprehensibility of the project, *A summary of the literature on the theoretical and practical foundations of the project subject, (The subject will be brought to the thesis study by going from general subjects to specific. It should be supported with resources and should be given without comment. max. 1/3 of the project) METHODS The type, population and sample of the study, sampling method, research hypotheses, data collection tools, data collection method, how the data were analyzed (analysed), if necessary, limitations and difficulties encountered should be explained. All subjects that the researcher considers ideal, wants to realize, but has to give up for various reasons constitute the limitations of the research. Limitations may arise from research objectives, method, sampling and other difficulties. Limitations should be taken into account in the interpretation of research results, and limitations should be mentioned in the materials and methods section. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS (Can also be written separately) The discussion section is the comment section of the project. In fact, this is the area where the students doing the research reveal their own place in the history of science on this topic. Obtained project findings should be compared with other studies on this subject, different and original aspects of the findings from other studies and similar results should be revealed; The results that do and do not fit the scientific literature should be discussed together with their possible causes; Finally, the meaning of the finding should be interpreted. It should be stated whether the conclusions (hypotheses) established in the research are supported by the results obtained. The discussion should take place in the order of presentation of the findings. In the discussion section, some data, tables and figures can be cited in order not to repeat the findings. While discussing, repetition of the information described in the “introduction and purpose” and “general information” sections of the project should be avoided; only the sources associated with the data obtained should be mentioned. The project owner should summarize the studies up to him, including the most recent studies, and compare his/her own work with the ones in the scientific literature and reveal the original value of the thesis work. At the end of the discussion section, the conclusions reached in the light of the information obtained from the research should be written in a short and understandable manner. The researcher’s suggestions that will shed light on the future in this field should be stated. Suggestions to be made should be directly related to the purpose and results of the research. In this section, the contribution of the study or collected data to science, target audience or society should be discussed. The original parts of the work should be emphasized. If the project includes practical work, the findings should be compared with the findings of other studies, similarities and contradictions should be interpreted, and points that cannot be clarified should be stated. However, speculative interpretations should be avoided. In this section, the conclusions drawn from the project work should be written as clearly and concisely as possible. * I want you to filter the research as the last 10 years, so it is sufficient to scan the articles since 2012. *Science finder, pubmed and similar databases will be scanned. for example. *filtering can be done by scanning first review articles and then journals. *Journals must have an Impact factor of more than 3-4. The bigger the impact factor, the better. *Start with the abstract and go to the conclusion. What has been studied, pictures and explanations of the articles can be used, they are also informative. *How the drug is conjugated, how it is released, for example, can be looked at. *For example, there are active and passive methods, they can be mentioned and compared. Advantages and disadvantages can be mentioned. * In the method section, it should be mentioned how the research was carried out by using keywords. For example, I filtered my research as the last 10 years, using these and these keywords, I primarily scanned these resources and so on. So let’s talk about how and how we conducted our research. *In the discussion section, again, the comparisons of my research are different from the others, its prominent feature, why is my method advantageous (for example, is it cheaper or more practical than traditional methods?) *this research seems more promising for the future, etc. Such comments can be made. Let me add that microneedle types are divided into solid, dissolving, hydrogel, coated and hollow, as can be seen in the sample article I posted. These can also be mentioned. But I should also mention that my branch is analytical chemistry, so I’m interested in the chemistry of the job and “drug delivery”, so I would be very pleased if their details were detailed. I also want to mention that I am a pharmacy student and this is my thesis project. I want someone who is expert in analytical chemistry. Thank you.