‘My first book was called Madness and Civilization, but in fact my problem was rationality, that is, how does reason operate in a society such as ours? Well, to understand this issue, instead of beginning with the subject moving from awareness to reason, it is better if we see how, in the Western world, those who are not the subjects of reason, those who are not considered reasonable, that is those who are mad, are removed from the life process.’ (‘Dialogue between Michel Foucault and Baqir Parham’)
In relation to Madness and Civilisation, consider Foucault’s account of one or all of the following terms: ‘reason’; ‘unreason’; ‘madness’.
Given the likely complexity of some of the argument in your essay, please try to write as clearly and intelligibly as possible – please do NOT write as densely or elliptically as Foucault or any other French theorist of the 1960s!