You find one (or more, based on your need) medical record, or case report. You can use your own medical record. In case of using your medical record, please make sure to cover the unnecessary and sensitive information(like SSN, or ID#,…) You must select/find 25 medical terms from the record or report, and highlight them. For each selected term, use the attached table to divide/analyze and define it. You must use the provided table and follow the direction of the table. Remember, you cannot add any letter to the original term unless the origin was changed like anemia (an/em/ia, an (Prefix means without)/em (Root and originally is hem means blood)/ia (Suffix means pertaining to) OR gastritis is gaster/itis, gastr(Root means stomach)/itis (Suffix means inflammation). If you select an abbreviation, you must use one of the letters and divide/analyze/define it. Example: UTI (Urinary Tract Infection), Urinary is urin/ary , urin(Root means the urinary system or urine)/ary (Suffix means pertaining to). At the end of your project, you must summarize the medical record. And finally, by the due date, you must submit the completed, typed table and a copy of the medical record/case report with the highlighted terms and summary of the medical record(s).
I attached a rubric table
& i attached a medical record table my professor attached in the assignment