Looking at Wordsworth’s “Tintern Abbey”, please examine the idea of nature as a healing power.

Please choose one of the following topics and write a coherent, concise, clear essay that follows MLA conventions (12 point Times New Roman font, double-spacing, with 1” margins). The essay will need to be 4-6 pages in length. Also, you will need to have quotes from primary and secondary sources (5-7) that will support your thesis. Finally, you will want a conclusion that sums up your main ideas. Remember that I am your audience, so do not take it for granted that I know everything that you are writing about. You are the teacher teaching me!

1. Looking at Wordsworth’s “Tintern Abbey”, please examine the idea of nature as a healing power.

2. Looking at Wordsworth’s “Tintern Abbey”, please examine the idea that nature is sublime.

3. Please look at the role of nature in one of Shelley’s poems.

4. If none of these topics suits you, please choose your own topic and clear it with me first.

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