Job Search/ Head Coach for high school basketball

Step 1: Locate 2 job advertisements – You can find ads on company websites, networks, classifieds, and other methods mentioned in the lesson presentation or readings. Note: It is recommended that you use online advertisements because you will have to submit the ads for this assignment. Step 2: Complete “job profiles” for each company and position that you find – This will require research. The Occupation Outlook Handbook is a good resource to find information about positions, but you may use other sources as well. You can access the Handbook by visiting the website at each job profile answer the following questions. These job profile assessments should be approximately 1 page each. Use the following numbered format. (Do NOT write this information in paragraph format.)

  1. What is the name of the Company?
  2. What is the Job Title, why is it a good fit for you?
  3. What is the job description provided in the ad?
  4. What is the salary information provided in the ad (if available)?
  5. What salary information did you find in your research?
  6. What are the qualifications and requirements for the job?
  7. Which qualifications do you meet or exceed?
  8. Which qualifications do you lack? How will you meet these?
  9. What is the career outlook for this position? [Use O-net or OOH for this info]
  10. Where is the position located?
  11. What are the working conditions?

Do NOT write this up in paragraph format. doing so will result in a 10 point deduction for not following instructions!
Step 3: Reflect on your job search. – Select one of the jobs and describe how you would apply for the position. What materials would you submit? How would you demonstrate that you meet or exceed the qualification?  Why is this job a good match for you?  (This reflection should be approximately 200-300 words). Your paper should adhere to APA 6th editions Style including:

  • 12 point Times New Roman font,
  • 1” margins
  • Each element listed above should have the corresponding heading
    • Headings should be bold-faced and centered.
  • IF necessary create a Reference page
    • which properly cites any sources you may use
    • formatted according to APA 6th edition standards.
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