Interpretive Essay

The Bridge of San Luis Rey:  Interpretive Essay

2. Discuss a main conflict in the book between two main characters and how the conflict brings out the theme that compassion, not passion, is authentic love. Choose one of the following pairs of characters to discuss:
(a) the Marquesa and Dona Clara or (b) Camila and Uncle Pio. Create your own thesis and topic sentences but model them on the following examples. Finally, pay particular attention to giving supporting details— quotes, incidents, examples, and/or specific descriptions—for the topic sentences. An example of a precise and focused thesis for Topic number 2 using another pair of characters: Both the Abbess’ selfish grooming of Pepita as her successor and Pepita’s passionate love for the Abbess lead each to a difficult but revealing moment that changes them from passion to selfless love.

                   Examples of topic sentences that grow out of this thesis and show a logical link to it:

                   Par. 1) The abbess trains Pepita as her successor, not for the sake of Pepita but out of a selfish concern for her work with women and the poor.

                   Par. 2) As a result of her passionate attachment to the Abbess, Pepita misses the Abbess terribly and does not want to continue the compassionate challenge of working for a difficult person in a different situation.

                   Par. 3) Because the Marquesa reads Pepita’s letter, Pepita decides it is not brave to flee the problems of living with the Marquesa and decides to stay out of compassion for her.

                   Par. 4) When Pepita dies, the Abbess realizes her idolatrous passion for her work and changes to selfless love.

[Topic sentences for Paragraphs 3 and 4 could be combined in order to have only three body paragraphs. In other words, four paragraphs are not required in a student’s essay.]

NOTE: The Abbess and Pepita and these sentences on them cannot be used for Topic Number 2; they are only examples. Keep in mind the thesis is an opinion; it could be argued cogently that Pepita was always compassionate in her love toward the Abbess.  

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