how symbols and commonplaces in speech connect to the new theory of ideology and hegmony.

Learning Goal:  To ensure you understand the relationship between cultural symbols and the commonplace criticism you’ll be doing in your speech


Write a page (double-spaced) explaining in your own words how the work you’ve already done on symbols and commonplaces up to this point connects to the new theory of ideology and hegemony just introduced in the mini-lectures and ebook units. If you can make this connection in your own mind, you’re set to look at the final speech instruction.  Because it’s important to think this through carefully, this is not just a completion assignment — I’ll give it points depending on how much progress you make toward connecting symbols and commonplaces to ideology and hegemony.

 Appropriately meets assignment requirements, main points arranged using identifiable organizational pattern, connects symbols and commonplaces to ideology and hegemony, conclusion summarizes the relationship between symbols and ideology.

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