-You should also include a “references cited” page at the end with a bibliography of the sources used in the paper (APA and Chicago Manual of Style formats are acceptable)
-The text must be Times New Roman, 12-point font, double spaced with 1 to 1.25 inch margins
-It must be written in formal, college-level prose, in essay format, with proper punctuation and grammar (no bullet points or short phrases) Use in-text citations only (no footnotes)
This essay:
is from the reading of the introduction chapter from Inside Organized Racism, by Kathleen Blee.
Also, these are just some additional requirements: You must use at least 3 different readings from the course (each chapter from the textbook can count as a reading, so you can use either a combination of textbook and articles, or you can use 3 different chapters from the textbook)
The Book info:
Asking Questions About Cultural Anthropology Author:Welsch Edition:2nd