Healthcare Crisis

Week 11: Disclosure & Apology (11/14-11/20)

Conflict, Crisis,& Comm – O2



Course Introduction

Course Content

Course Assignments

Zoom Meetings

My Grades


Week 1: Course Overview & Introductions (09/06-09/11)

WEEK 2: Interpersonal Conflict (09/12-09/18)

Week 3:Adversarial VS. Win-Win (09/19-09/25)

Week 4: Interest Based Negotiation (09/26-10/02)

Week 5: Negotiating in Difficult Situations (10/03-10/09)

Week 6: Organizational Conflict (10/10-10/16)

Week 7: Organizational Structure, Function, & Perspectives (10/17-10/23)

Week 8: Complex Adaptive Systems & Conflict (10/24-10/30)

Week 9: Elements of a Learning Organization: Mental Models & Shared Vision (10/31-11/06)

Week 10: Crisis Management & Communication Failure (11/07-11/13)

Week 11: Disclosure & Apology (11/14-11/20)

Week 12: Thanksgiving Week (11/21-11/27)

Week 13: Crisis Communication (11/28-12/04)

Week 14: Intelligent Failure (12/05-12/11)

Week 15: Additional Course Material (12/12-12/16)

Peer Review Form

Negotiation Scripts

Week 11: Disclosure & Apology (11/14-11/20)


Communication, Transparency, and Apology in Medical Error Communication, Transparency, and Apology in Medical Error

This week we will continue looking at the Management of Crisis due to Medical Error with a further consideration of the role communication plays in the root cause analysis of error– and, the role of communication in dealing with the painful aftermath of such errors. In particular, we will consider the importance of communication- in assuming responsibility for errors and communicating with external agents. Increasingly, organizations are accepting the need for honest disclosure after an event. This can be difficult in an organization that has a punitive culture. In addition, it is a challenge to to balance transparency with privacy concerns- including patient privacy as well as the privacy of staff involved in the episode.

By the end of the week you should be able to:

Define the role of communication failures in adverse events

impact of an apology in crisis situations. 

Consider what an apo

Institutional Response. 

The client liked the research and analysis we provided them on the cases in Assignment 2. They determined the facility has some risk that the same events could happen at their hospital. They now want to know how the institutions managed these events, what worked and did not work so they can develop a plan going forward.

Go to the web site of each of the three institutions involved in tragic sentinel events (listed below). In the search bar, type in the patient’s name. For example, on the Johns Hopkins web page, type Josie King into the search bar.  Justin Micalizzi. Mrs. McClinton.

How did each hospital manage the sentinel event? 

Compare and contrast how each of these organizations responded to these events.

Evaluate the effectiveness of their responses in light of the topics we have covered this semester including organizational conflict, Senge’s concept of a learning organization, Aygris’ concept of defensiveness and double loop learning, the management of crisis within organizations, and other concepts that you feel are applicable.

What impression do you get about the hospitals based on what you find from this search?

This paper is focused on institutional response and analysis. 

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