Health care workers are our modern day heroes

  • Essay Guidelines
  • The essay should contain a minimum of 4-5 pages of content 
  •  A separate Works Cited list (last page of essay) conforming to the MLA format style, for a total of 5-6 pages for the entire assignment.
  • The essay must be well-organized with a logical introduction, multiple supporting body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
  • Support your clearly-stated thesis with relevant, ample evidence. 
  • The paper must be written in 3rd person, unless referring to a personal experience. Avoid the use of “I”, “you”, “we” when writing unless it is from a direct quotation. Avoid the use of second person, “you,” “your/yours,” unless directly quoting from a source.
  • Correct all grammatical and spelling errors.
  • Adhere to the following style conventions:
  • Times New Roman, Size 12 
  • Double-Spaced 
  • MLA 8 formatting with correct in-text citations and Works Cited page (Refer to materials in Canvas for proper formatting)
  • MLA Style & Citations Guidelines
  • The essay must have at least  FOUR credible sources
  • You may utilize any of the resources from the class readings (including videos, properly cited, but do not rely exclusively on one particular type of source-in other words, do not rely on all videos, websites, etc.) 
  • One additional source NOT from the selected readings must be incorporated at some point in the essay. 
  • At minimum, TWO of your sources MUST BE scholarly sources (retrieved from the Virtual Library/Reynolds databases), however ALL of your sources must be credible.
  • You are also permitted to have all sources come from the Reynolds Databases. 
  • Sources should vary in type and not be all one kind. (For example, don’t use all books or all journals as your sources.) 
  • No encyclopedias (Wikipedia, Britannica, Americana, etc.)
  • Follow guidelines for quotes and paraphrases per MLA Guidelines and class discussions and materials. 
  • Any form of plagiarism on your final draft will result in an “F” grade for the paper. Be sure to cite all borrowed material (quoted and paraphrased) correctly. 
  • Final drafts which fail to include a Works Cited or fail to cite correctly, meaning citations in the essay do not match the citations in the Works Cited page, will be penalized. 

*We will talk at length about the importance of citing sources and ways to give credit appropriately to avoid plagiarism.

The Research: For this assignment, you’ll incorporate a minimum of four credible sources, at least two of which must come from the Reynolds Library. You will use properly cited/documented research to demonstrate effective information literacy skills and the ability to incorporate these sources into a well-crafted and researched essay.

Role: As the writer, you will be developing your rhetorical superpowers to define what it means to be a superhero. In a sense, you are considering both the theoretical and identity elements of the superhero mythos and combining these with the qualities that you have seen evidenced in real-life superheroes from the applied example readings and in your prior life experiences. For this essay, keep in mind the importance of having a professional voice, with a writing style more formal and expository. See the examples posted in Canvas in the Synthesis Module. You will be assuming the role of an academic researcher whose job is to illustrate and articulate to your readers the concept of the superhero based on your understanding of analysis, synthesis, and rhetorical strategies that relate to this topic.

Focus Areas: For this paper, your focus areas are as follows.

  • Using rhetorical strategies to create an expository or argumentative research essay.
  • Maintaining consistent verb tense.
  • Using a logical pattern of organization.
  • Proper use of research including citing each of your three sources at least once in the body of your essay.
  • Illustrating the relevance of your topic to your identified superpower. 
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