Graphical Impact Report | Fact Sheet

Find 5 examples of Impact Reports or Fact Sheets used by non-profit or for-profit organizations produced in the past 5 years. Drawing from them for inspiration, and drawing from data you gather about your nonprofit(Chesapeake Humane Society) create an impact report or fact sheet for them that suits their strategic goals.

1. Include your 5 examples and explain what you drew from them in terms of inspiration(a couple of sentences each). Provide links to where you found the documents. 

2. Explain the goals, target stakeholder(s), strategy, and objectives you are trying to meet. Explain how your project meets those, including how it would be circulated(through what media, places, events, etc. it makes the most sense to appear).

3. Create the project in Adobe Illustrator or Microsoft PowerPoint. Do not use any other programs without my approval. Submit the original AI or PPT document, as well as an exported/printed PDF of the project. 

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