Essay(s) must be approximately 750-1500 word count. Include selected articles to validate your opinion(s) and APA standards and appropriately formatted citation(s) for your chosen articles. Please show respect to authors by using properly formatted APA in-text citations and creating a properly formatted reference list. Please use double-spaced lines with a readable font (e.g., Arial, Calibri, or Harrington, etc.) of at least twelve (12) point font. Your primary reference sources must be included within the contents of your submitted essay. Your selected primary resources can be used as direct or indirect quotes. Most importantly, your chosen resources must be properly formatted using the APA manual’s guidelines. There are two important ways your selected articles can be used in the contents of your essay. The first way is to use them as direct quote(s); the second way is to use a summation of the selection and use it within the contents of your essay with proper formatting APA style. Every time you use an author’s comments from your reference list, you must show acknowledgment to the author, especially when you incorporate his words within the contents of your essay.
The writing prompt is : Recently, there has been discussion(s) about assembling a Constitutional Convention and rewriting amendment(s); if this event ever happens, how should one begin such a process?”