You will choose any two countries in the world—one to export your product from and another to import the product to. (I already selected the two countries and the product which I will upload my information for you to include more inforrmation and the information below)
Your paper must include the following:
1. The Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System classification of the product
2. Export regulation (if any)
3. Import regulation (if any)
4. Method of transportation
5. Costs of transportation
6. Payment and financing Method
7. A certificate of origin
8. An Insurance Certificate
9. A shippers export declaration
10. Any and all other required Export Documentation
Add either a SWOT or PESTLE analysis as well as your expected margin to your market analysis and make sure this plan have some
special points
I uploaded two examples of an export/import plan for you to view. They are wine from italy and tea from india
I uploaded a rubric for you to view.