
 Prompt: Locate a variety of sources focused on that drug (see criteria below) to examine our society’s view of this substance. You must cite at least 8 sources. Use our online research guide available on Canvas to locate sources. Analyze and synthesize your findings. How do popular media depictions differ (if at all) from the scholarly sources? How might (or have) these sources contributed to the social construction of drug scares and/or drug use? How might this shape how we view drug users? What might be the implications for policy and/ or treatment? Once you’ve completed your paper, upload it (in Word or PDF format) online via Canvas by due date *Since this is a research-based paper, avoid using “I”. Instead, frame your discussion in terms of research. Criteria for sources: You must have at least 8 sources altogether, 6 of which must be as follows:  1 article from our text (you may have read ahead if we have not yet covered this substance)  2 peer reviewed article based on primary research (current – within last 10 years)  2 popular news media (current – within last 5 years)  1 popular media depiction (song, movie, etc) Guidelines:  Follow suggestions on “Writing Expectations” Handout available on Canvas.  The length of the paper should be 4 – 5 pages.  Please double space your paper. Tolmasov SOC 325  Please use a 12 point font (preferably Times New Roman, Arial, or another plain text font).  Margins must be set at 1” all around.  Include page numbers  Remember not to use any text messaging lingo (see syllabus)  Follow APA citation style o Include Title Page (doesn’t count towards total page count) o You can skip the abstract o Cite sources parenthetically o Include a Works Cited Page (doesn’t count towards total page count) Grading: You will be graded on both the quality and content of your paper. Papers should be free of grammatical and spelling errors. Papers should be coherent and cohesive, demonstrating organized understanding of the material.

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