Compare and contrast the use of Roman history and myth in the forum Augustum and in Virgil’s Aeneid , paying special attention to the procession of Roman’s in book 6 . In what ways do the forum and epic represent Romes past and what do those representations imply about Augustus and his reign. the essay should answer the following questions how did August’s promote himself as a powerful and benevolent ruler . Provide evidence and sources to back up every claim you make . For secondary sources use Chicago style . The paper should be written in essay format , with a clear introduction and thesis stament, body paragraphs supporting your position and a conclusion . The paper should include a title page and bibliography ; double spaced . Use a standard font and font size times new Roman 12 . Length of the paper should be 4 to 500 words Thesis should relate to every body paragraphFocus on chapters four and six for ideas from text book a history of Rome people 7th ed