
For this essay and for all others throughout the course, you are responsible for following the MLA general essay guidelines, which can be found at the Purdue OWL website: (Times New Roman 12 pt. font, double-spaced, 1 inch margins, page numbers, first page heading, proper in-text citations and works cited entries, etc.)

For this essay, your task is to address one of identified issues of applied ethics given in Part 3 of our Readings In Moral Philosophy: (Gender Equality, Free Speech and Its Limits, Sexual Morality, Abortion, Euthanasia, The Death Penalty, The Criminalization of Drugs, Animal Rights, The Environment, War, Terror and Torture, Resistance, Racial Justice, Economic Justice, or World Hunger and Foreign Aid) and argue in defense of a specific proposed change/solution within a broader applied ethics issue.

In the development of your essay, you should summarize and explain the arguments from 1 of the essays in your chosen section from our Readings In Moral Philosophy text, as well as whether or not you agree with these arguments and why. After this summary, you should pivot to a specific solution/change to a specific problem within one of your broader chosen applied ethics issue.  For instance, some examples of specific enough arguments within Animal Rights would be (1) to require a certain standard of life to be guaranteed for all farmed animals or (2) to limit the amount of animal products everyone consumes (either by choice or some imposed limitation). You can briefly explain any necessary background on the specifically identified problem within your broader issue, and you’ll then need to defend your proposed solution/change against at least 2 opposing views in order to create a stronger argument for your proposal. In selecting these opposing views, you’ll need to select the most important opposing views others might have against your proposed solution/change, and you should identify as many potential opposing views as possible (you could aim for about 10), before narrowing these options to the 2 that you think will be most important in order to persuade or convince readers who might initially disagree with your proposed solution/change. After explaining and responding to these opposing views, you should end your essay with a connection to your personal ethics, and specific focus on 1 concept we’ve covered this semester or 1 specific ethical value of yours and an explanation of why your proposed change/solution best reflects/fits this concept or value.

            Along with the required summary/explanation from 1 essay from our Readings text, you’re also required to incorporate at least 2 outside sources on your chosen specific issue.  These sources can of any kind, but they should be as relevant as possible for your proposed solution/change and your response to opposing views, as well as up-to-date (preferably no older than 2017).

*VERY IMPORTANT* For the one source make sure to you use the write book as stated in the directions! Previous order the wrong book     was used!!!

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