Analyze the representation of memory and human thoughts in “Frozen Journey” by Philip K DIck. How does this text’s depiction of human thoughts and memory put pressure on the notion of the human, and to what effect? The essay should discuss the importance of memory and thought for a human, how the text shows that control over our memory is what makes us “human”, and how loss of that control can make humans lose their sense of reality and limit us as a “human”. Use Victor’s memories, the computers interactions with Victor, and Victor’s final arrival to the new planet to make these analyses and make sure to include and cite the text.
Find at least one article-length, peer-reviewed secondary source, and integrate it into your argument productively. The source (it can either be an article or book chapter) must be integral to the analysis and be discussed well and connected to the text as part of the analysis. The article/book chapter must be between 15-30 pages long. You could use the work of a literary scholar to set up your analysis of your chosen work in some way or you could use a historian to set up an important cultural context of your chosen work that you will later use for your own interpretation or you could use a philosopher or historian to set up a major definition in your essay. But it must be integrated well into the essay and be an important part of the analysis. It is recommended that the source is in the arts and humanities.
The analysis and thesis must always come back to the text’s depiction of memory and thought and how it puts pressure on the notion of the human and to what effect. You can also write a little bit about the general limits of the human and how the author and text depicts them.
I have attached the short story text in the files. I’ve also atttached the grading rubric for the essay.