With this essay, you will be arguing a side of an issue. You are required to use at least one quote from an outside source in each body paragraph and use MLA style for your quote, parenthetical reference, and Works Cited page. (Three sources are required.)Make sure you BRIEFLY address the opposing side toward the end of your essay. You can do it in the last body paragraph on in the concluding paragraph. I am attaching a worksheet for you to use in developing your essay.UNIT OBJECTIVES1. Write a five-paragraph, at least 500-word essay, which argues a strong thesis.2. Use outside quoted material to support your argument.3. Synthesize your thoughts with another author’s thoughts.4. Use sound grammar and mechanics.5. Use proper Modern Language Association (MLA) parenthetical referencing and Works Cited entries.____________________________________________________________________________________Choose one of the following questions to develop a thesis:1. Does technology make us more alone?2. Does reality television promote dangerous stereotypes?3. Does television capture the diversity of America?4. Do parents have different hopes and standards for their sons versus their daughters?5. Should college athletes get paid?