After reading chapter 6 in God’s Big Picture, answer the following questions:
- Describe how Jesus fulfills each of the aspects of the kingdom of God (people, place, rule/blessing).
- How does Roberts describe the distinctive emphases of each gospel?
After your initial post, don’t forget to respond to at least two of your classmates.
Abigail Rose Nunnally DB #6COLLAPSE
1) Jesus fulfilled the aspect of “people” because he was the true Adam and the true Israel. Adam and the Israelites were meant to be God’s people, but they were sinful and were not capable of perfection as Jesus was. That is why Jesus was the true Adam, the perfect man, and the perfect people. And Jesus was not a supernatural being, the lineage in Matthew shows the Jesus is completely human. In addition, it addresses that God’s promise is fulfilled through Jesus and the spritual aspect of faith, not just being within the law. Next, Jesus is the true tabernacle and the true temple. When he went to the temple, he destroyed the business that set themselves up in the physical building. This was representing Jesus’ body dying, but three days later he was resurrected. This symoblizes the new and true temple. This reflects back to the vision in Ezekial because Jesus says all that are thirsy to come to him, which is why Ezekial had the vision of water flowing through the new temple. Jesus represents a new life. Lastly, the death of Jesus introduces the new covenent and the new king. After he died a sinners death on the cross, he sealed the gap between people and God. The new covenant allowed for the Gospel, that whoever believes in God will have everlasting life.
2) The four gospels share a specific part of Jesus’ life: Matthew is the Jesus of the Old Testament scriptures and how he fulfills them, Mark is the Jesus is the suffering servant and calls his people to suffer too because people will experience this suffering by bearing their cross and following him, Luke is the Jesus that saves the world because it focuses of the forgiveness of sins and the gifts of the Holy Spirit, lastly John is the Jesus who is the Son of God who gives eternal life by explaining whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.