This video( covers Albert Bandura’s classic research on learning of aggressive behaviors. Bandura exposed children to an aggressive model who engaged in a set of very specific aggressive behavior toward a inflated plastic doll (the Bobo doll). Later children showed many of the same behaviors toward the Bobo doll.
Experiments like these contributed to the development of social learning theory, which states that people learn behaviors like aggression through a learning process. Specifically, the theory says that people learn aggression by watching aggressive models in their social environments.
Link to the required video: (
What to do:
• Summarize the content of the video and lecture material in your own words. Write several sentences (5 minimum) that outline/describe the concepts in the video and lecture. This description will help your classmates identify the concepts and also help you understand the material by having to rewrite it in your own words.
• After summarizing the video, develop a 1-2 paragraph discussion of the following prompts. Your paragraph discussing the ideas below can be as long as you would like, but should be around 5 sentences minimum in length. Use at least 2 of the following prompts to help you craft your second discussion paragraph:
o Describe the basic procedure used by Bandura to study the effects of an aggressive model on aggressive behavior?
o What was Bandura’s main finding?
o How did Bandura’s findings conflict with conventional wisdom of the day?
o The video makes the case that behaviors like aggression are learned by watching aggressive models.
o If social learning theorists are correct about how people learn aggressive behavior, what can be done to reduce aggressive behavior from the social learning perspective?