Develop critical thinking methods addressing cyber security ethics.

Part 1

Assessment Instructions

Hackers are people and come from all walks of life. While they may share certain characteristics such as being computer savvy, an introvert, and a creative thinker, many have access to tools and methods of which most people have never heard. This leaves others in the dark as to their capability. By doing research on recent hacking incidents, you will gain insight into their methods and process for gaining access to systems for which they do not have access.

Search and review two articles using your favorite search engine or the Library, one related to hacking and another to phreaking. Then, write a 2–3-page paper summarizing each topic. Include specifics such as motivations, purpose, methods, and user impact. Also include the level of preparedness of the target hacked. Indicate possible solutions that could prevent hacking from taking place. Cite your resources and use APA formatting guidelines.

Be sure to include Standard English and a clear viewpoint regarding each topic. Ensure your paper contains clear organization of the topics, including the level of preparedness and possible solutions for hacking. Your communication of the topic summaries, level of preparedness, and possible solutions should be well-ordered, logical and unified.

Part 2

Assessment Instructions

In recent years, the news shows a pattern of increased vulnerability between public and private sector entities being targeted by hackers and nation states. Motivations for the hack vary depending upon the target and hacker. Protection against hackers is no longer optional but necessary to stay online and in business. Knowing human nature rarely changes, you will research events involving cybersecurity (or lack of) and ethical issues from those in the organization.

Topic 5: Chapter 4 deals with software piracy, this chapter deals with computer crime, and Chapter 6 deals with hacking and computer break-ins. Carefully examine the similarities and differences among these three classes of “computer abuse.”

Using your favorite search engine, research two recent articles focusing on events involving ethical issues and cybersecurity. Include research where policies were included as a method for solving the ethical problem (such as required ethical training for all employees). Another option is to research an incident or event similar to the following:

A lack of cybersecurity tools was in use and ethical violations occurred to cover it up or computer errors and vulnerabilities were discovered but never fixed.

Summarize your findings in a 3-4 page paper, covering each topic.

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