You must:
- Clearly identify the problem(s) you face as the manager charged with solving it (them).
- Be careful to separate symptoms from the cause of the problem(s).
- Analyze the cause of the problem(s); this is not the search for a culprit but for fundamental cause of the problem(s).
- Develop alternatives or actions to take to solve the problems – address the cause. We need to do _______ in order solve these problems. Be as specific as possible.
- Evaluate alternatives
- Are all customers being served?
- Does the alternative address the cause effectively?
- What is the cost in time, money and effort?
- Does the alternative reflect the values of the department?
- What is the probability of success?
- Select the best alternative: What is the weakness of this alternative?
- Recommend a detailed plan to implement your solution.
Case studies are used to sharpen analytical skill. You should immerse yourself in the case and respond as you think you would, based on the facts presented.