CREATE OWN TITLE- title reflective of content (PROOFREADING)

I am asking you to write a response based on either a theme or character within the novel. This is worth 25 points–you will write 1,000 words of well-formed argument derived from a singular thesis statementThis is not a book report, your task is to analyze an aspect of the novel and develop a thoughtful position that you can support based on pulling directly from the text and from the FAMU library website’s databases.
Important Information:- This paper is a response to the book My Soul to Keep Tananarive Due that you have already.- I

will upload 3 articles to be used from FAMU library database.

– Choose one of the prompts in the instructions and let me know which you choose.

– Please let me know if your response will be a theme or character within the novel.

– In the instructions please notice the 4 expected bullets in the writing.

– I’m attaching the book summary for you to use.

Formatting Criteria: 

• Paper must reflect the minimum page-count/word-count and include this information at the end of the document. (e.g. ‘word-count: 1000’) 

• Paper must be Times New Roman, 12pt, Double-Spaced, 1-inch margins 

• Paper has student’s last name and page number in the upper right-hand corner of every page. 

• Paper has pertinent information (student’s name, instructor’s name, course number, and date) in the upper left-hand corner of the first page. 

• Paper has a title reflective of its content.

Lastly, I need this paper to be perfect. Please take your time and let me know if you need additional time.