I will provide a file of the article to review, as well as my answers to questions 1-3, question 4 needs to be answered still.
1. What are subjects asked to do in a typical Wason Selection Task?
2. What is the primary difference between an abstract rule and thematic rule? Given an example of each. Why do participants typically perform better with thematic rules as opposed to abstract rules?.
3. Using what you have learned from this demonstration, what advice would you give a student who is struggling with the concepts being used in his/her algebra class?
4. Examine Related Research: Pick one of these research articles listed below, read it and respond in detail to the following points.
– What was the research’s primary goal and how is it related to this CogLab topic?
– Provide a relatively brief summary of the research. Identify the most important hypotheses. Describe the primary methods employed (e.g. fMRI, EEG, change detection task, etc.). What were the most relevant results and conclusions?
– Identify the key implications of the research’s finding with respect to this CogLab topic.
– Situate these findings within the broader context of cognitive psychology.
– Critically evaluate the study. Is the design strong/valid? Are there critical limitations that the authors do not address? If so, explain the impact of those limitations. Do the authors answer key questions posed in the introduction section? Are their claims supported by the data/results?