Book Review on Ken Robinson’s Creative Schools Book

The purpose of the book review is to analyze concepts illustrated or applied in the Ken Robinson book. You should not consider this just a book report. Your review is an opportunity to articulate your own critical engagement with the reading as you “unpack” the ideas and arguments you find most stimulating. Along the way, you will also provide a synthesis of course materials by incorporating at least 3 other assigned readings in your review. Your book review must be your original work. Include the following in your review: What are some of the main themes presented in the book? What kind of changes does the author argue for and what are the implications? Discuss at least 3 examples from the book that show how schools, leaders, and/or teachers have been successful in meeting the needs of students through personalized education. How do the author’s views compare with other assigned readings? What are your reactions to the ideas discussed in the book? What strikes you as noteworthy? How has this book enhanced your understanding of learning, teaching, and/or designing learning environments?

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