Bargaining or negotiating in a work/career setting

/ / / Self-Assessment Exercise 3-2 / / /

Your Job Attitude

For each of the 10 statements below, identify how often each describes your behavior at work. Place a number from 1 to 5 next to each of the 10 statements.

(5) Always           (4) Usually           (3) Frequently   (2) Occasionally                 (1) Seldom

    ____4______ 1.   I smile and am friendly and courteous to everyone at work.

    ____3_______ 2.   I make positive, rather than negative, comments at work.

    ____5_______ 3.   When my boss asks me to do extra work, I accept it cheerfully.

    ____5_______ 4.   I avoid making excuses, passing the buck, or blaming others when things go wrong.

    _____5______ 5.   I am an active self-starter at getting work done.

    _____4______ 6.   I avoid spreading rumors and gossip among employees.

    ____5_______ 7.   I am a team player willing to make personal sacrifices for the good of the work group.

    ____3_______ 8.   I accept criticism gracefully and make the necessary changes.

    ____5_______ 9.   I lift coworkers’ spirits and bring them up emotionally.

    _____5______ 10. If I were to ask my boss and coworkers to answer the nine questions for me, they would put the same answers that I did.

    ______44_____      Total: Add up the 10 numbers.

Interpreting your score. You can think of your job attitude as being on a continuum from positive to negative. Place an X on the continuum below at the point that represents your score.

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Negative attitude    10 – – – 20 – – – 30 – – – 40 –X – – 50    Positive attitude

Generally, the higher your score, the more positive your job attitude is. You may want to have your boss and trusted coworkers answer the first nine questions, as suggested in question 10, to determine if their perception of your job attitude is the same as your perception.

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