Write a literature review about the research topic (Research title as written in the list provided at the black board).
During the preparation of this Review Article, restrict to the following structures: ✓ Deadline for submission is 20/4/2022, in blackboard. ✓ No more than 30% plagiarism.✓ Also include at least 10 recent (2010-2022) references (book or published articles). ✓ Font (Times New Roman, Size 12, Single Spaced).✓ The review should not less than 3 and not more than 5 pages in length.
The review should cover the following subtitle:1. Introduction:2. Distribution: 3. History of the disease in Saudi Arabia:4. Prevention and control: 5. References:
The total marks for the review is (20), 4 marks for each subtitle (Introduction, Distribution, History of the disease in Saudi Arabia, Prevention and control and the References).