Assess what a Functionalism Theorist would say about whether Artificial Intelligent systems such as sophisticated androids can have a “mind.”

Assess what a Functionalism Theorist would say about whether Artificial Intelligent systems such as sophisticated androids can have a “mind.” See Can Androids have Minds? From Module: Philosophy of mind: Schedule. Assignment Instructions: Write a few paragraphs supporting your argument for why an artificially intelligent android could or could not be considered to have a “mind.” 1. Very briefly summarize the most important details of your sci-fi example. 2. Give your own argument for why an android COULD or COULD NOT be considered to have a “mind.” Give details. What kinds of criteria must an android meet to be considered to have thoughts, beliefs, desires, emotions, etc? 3. Use a theory in Philosophy of Mind to support your argument. It may be that more than one theory would support your position (Dualism, Behaviorism, Mind-Brain Identity Theory, and Functionalism). Reply to two classmates’ posts. Make sure you cite any quotations or paraphrases in your post. Explain what quotations mean in your own words. You must cite whenever you summarize other’s theories. Cite as (author, year, page number). Use required resources only to explain philosophy of mind theories.

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