Answer these two questions

Do all of the following: 

  1. In 1989, Soviet control over Eastern Europe collapsed and President George H.W. Bush and         Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev announced the Cold War was over.  Two years later, the Soviet Union itself dissoved.  Clearly, the objectives of containment set forth by George Kennan had     been achieved, and the logic underlying containment evaporated.  The question thus arose:        what should be the goals and aims of American foreign policy now be, given that the reason for U.S. politico-military commitment to nations around the world was now gone. In no more than     three paragraphs explain what John Quincy Adams, John F. Kennedy, and Henry Kissinger would   have done in this situation and what their reasoning would have been.
  2. In Chapter 12 of his assigned book, U.S. Foreign Policy: The Paradox of World Power, Steven       Hooks discusses the problem of “managing the global commons.”  In no more than one               paragraph, explain how the rising importance of the global commons, and of managing it,             impacts U.S. foreign policy.
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