an issue we dealt with in our society

Identify an issue that we have dealt with in our society during the past few years.  We have plenty to choose from!  It could be something related to the pandemic, or race relations, or politics, or anything else that has been in the news.  Then, consider vocabulary terms and concepts from Chapter Ten.  Connect two or more terms to the issue.  Define the terms, and explain how they relate to the issue.  Finally, propose a way that social psychology could be harnessed to address/solve/improve the issue. Explain how the solution relates to social psychology, and explain how it could help to solve the problem.
Chapter 10 termssocial/cultural psychologynormsrolecultureconversational distanceentrapmentsocial cognitionattribution theorysitatuinal attributiondispositional attributionsself-serving biasesblaming the victimgroupthinkvalidity effectcognitive dissonanceimplicit/explicit attitudesbystander apathyaltruismsocial/ehtnic identityacculturationethnocentrismstereotypehostile and benevolent sexism

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