Active Duty/Veteran Substance Abuse Alcohol Group Therapy


Section 2: Group Therapy (2-3 pages) 

 Based on the information you have gathered about the problem or theme and the review of literature about evidence -based groups, imagine how you might adapt or enhance a group would be carried out in a group format to the issue/population selected. Provide a rationale for each question. Some suggested topics to cover include: 

 • What is the purpose of the group? 

 • What type of group will work best for this issue/population? Why? 

 • What will be the length and duration? Why 

 • What will the composition of the group be heterogenous or homogenous and why? 

 • What will be the size of the group and why? 

 • What will the structure of the group be? (Open vs. Closed) Why? 

 • What will the composition of the group be? Who will be included and excluded and why? 

 • How will you do participant recruitment and selection? 

 • Elements of the proposed group intervention (number of sessions, topic and activities of group sessions) 

 • Weekly curriculum. What topics will you cover and why? 

 • Where might this group best be delivered (i.e., schools, community-based organizations, churches, etc.)? Please use the DEFINE, DESCRIBE AND APPLY methodology for topic discussed. Use citations to support definition and descriptions. Apply using hypothetical examples to demonstrate understanding. 


 Robins, L. N. (1993) Vietnam Veterans Rapid Recovery from Heroin Addiction: a Fluke or Normal Expectation? Addiction Journal (IMPACT FACTOR, 7.256). 

Robins, L. N., Davis, D. H., Nurco, D. N. (1971) How Permanent was Vietnam Drug Addiction? American Journal of Public Health (IMPACT FACTOR, 9.308). 

Back, S. E., Killeen, T., Badour, C. L., Flanagan, J. C., Allan, N. P., Ana, E. S., Lozano, B, Korte, K. J. (2019). Concurrent Treatment of Substance Use Disorders and PTSD Using Prolonged Exposure: A Randomized clinical trial in military veterans. Addictive Behaviors (IF 4.591).!/content/playContent/1-s2.0-S0306460318309882?returnurl=null&referrer=null 

Furr, S. R., Hunsucker, K. 2022. Chapter 12: Addiction and Grief in the Military. Grief Work in Addictions Counseling. Taylor and Francis. 

Alcoholism in Military: Why Servicemen and Veterans Abuse Alcohol ( 

Pessagno, R. (2020). Group therapy: Stages of group development. In C. Knight & K. Wheeler (eds.), Case study approach to psychotherapy for advanced practice psychiatric nurses (pp. 95-112). Springer (FROM THE SYLLABUS) 

Yalom, I. D., & Leszcz, M. (2020). Selecting clients and composing groups. In The theory and practice of group psychotherapy. Basic books (FROM THE SYLLABUS) 

Teeters, J. B., Lancaster, C. L., Brown, D. G., & Back, S. E. (2017). Substance use disorders in military veterans: prevalence and treatment challenges. Substance abuse and rehabilitation, 8, 69–77. 

Hoggatt, K. J., Lehavot, K., Krenek, M., Schweizer, C. A., & Simpson, T. (2017). Prevalence of substance misuse among US veterans in the general population. The American journal on addictions, 26(4), 357–365.  

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