Reflection Paper: Film/TV Show Analysis

Watch a film or TV show. Write an analysis of that film or TV show by applying the following concepts. Please include the following in your paper:

1. Title of film or TV Show and why you picked it. 

2. Use the Bechdel Test to see how they treat gender. What did you find? Were you surprised?

3. What did you notice about gender stereotypes? Who are the main characters and what do they tell us about gender? (think about behaviors, careers, clothing, mannerisms, interactions, body images/expectations)  

4. What did you notice about representation? (think about intersectionality, power, lack of representation, etc.)

5. Think about media theories like hegemony and reception. Which do you think applies to your selected film/TV show? Does your selected film/TV show perpetuate traditional gender roles or does it serve to challenge the status quo?

6. Please include one reference to the textbook or course material in relation to the topics above 

Your Reflection Paper #2 needs to be 2-3 pages (500 words min), double-spaced, 12-point font, and use MLA formatting. Please organize your paper with a brief introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion.

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