Building Relationships Online – Classmate Response

Respond to the following classmates posts’ in 100-150 words:
1)There are so many reasons why people are involved in social media. Some connect with family and friends on platforms such as Facebook. Facebook has been a platform where people are able to share photos, post comments, and meet new people who have similar interests and “utilize social media for intimate personal self-disclosure” (Stever, et al., 2021, pg. 271). For some, they most likely will have two or more accounts. They may have one for business purposes, one for a particular fandom, and/or a personal account, which could be an example of multiple identities.  Having multiple social media identities may not be so much a negative aspect as some would rather be strictly professional in one account and have that be completely separate from a personal account, where you’re able to communicate more liberally with family members and friends.  

Erik Erikson believed that identity formation is an important developmental stage during adolescence (Klimstra, et al., 2010). It is during this time that adolescents experience physical growth and maturity and a time where one begins to find their self-identity. This can be an extremely overwhelming time for adolescents as they’re trying to learn more about the world they live in, how to “fit in” within their society and it’s a time where they need to build their confidence and know who they are as unique individuals. Social media is a place where many young people feel like they can make connections to those they have in common with and/or understand them.

We all partake is social capital transactions by posting comments on Facebook or reviews on Amazon or YouTube (Stever, et al., 2021, pg. 266). As we communicate through social media platforms, such as Facebook, our reviews, comments, and the information that we share, can influence certain matters. Many people take the opportunity to bring awareness about health matters, political issues, etc., through these comments and shared information.

Yes, it’s no doubt that social media unites us with anyone around the globe but it really has changed our minds, mindsets and behavior. It has changed the dynamics of how we create and form relationships and “there is always a cultural belief that it’s substituting face-to-face time with our close friends and family” (Allen, 2019).


Stever, G., Giles, D., Cohen, J. D., & Myers, M. E. (2021). Understanding Media Psychology. New York, New York: Routledge.

Allen, S. (2019, September 20). Social media’s growing impact on our lives. American Psychological Association. Retrieved from

Klimstra, T. A., Hale, W. W., 3rd, Raaijmakers, Q. A., Branje, S. J., & Meeus, W. H. (2010). Identity formation in adolescence: change or stability?. Journal of youth and adolescence39(2), 150–162. Retrieved from

2)“Social media can be any form of computer-mediated communication where individuals not only set up profiles to present who they are but also generate content of their own, see, and interact with content of their friends or other users online” with personal and professional relationships (Alhabash & Ma, 2017). Snapchat is becoming increasingly popular among teens and young adults. Snapchat is a social media application that allows users to send time sensitive photos and videos, which expire after viewing and after 24 hours. Users are allowed to select the audience viewing their stories or private messages.  

Identity formation is when individuals take on behaviors. Snapchat use is primary to communicate with family and friends, with an emphasis on self-presentation and impression management (Alhabash & Ma, 2017). 

Social identity is the view if society of an individual depending on characteristics. Social capital is gained through being active on social media, by posting content, messaging others, and gaining interactions. Snapchat allows these interactions, can reduce loneliness, and increase connectedness. Social media allows people to obtain information about others, helping them maintain interpersonal relationships, fulfilling a need to belong (Alhabash & Ma, 2017). 


Alhabash, S., & Ma, M. (2017). A Tale of Four Platforms: Motivations and Uses of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat Among College Students? Social Media + Society. 

Stever, G., Giles, D., Cohen, J. D., & Myers, M. E. (2022). Understanding Media Psychology. Routledge 

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