Annotated reading assignment

Annotated Readings Assignment Prompt

Format: MLA Format, typed in Times New Roman, 12 Font,

Due Date:  3/22 or 4/5 by 5:59 p.m. via Brightspace. Please reference the course calendar for these specific readings—to make a selection.


Students are also responsible for uploading digital annotated versions of four specific readings on Brightspace and a page worth of notes related to the reading. It is essential to digitally mark up a document as you read it to interact fully with the text and make it easier for you to discuss it during class. That being said, your notes should contain the following:

  • A 1-2 paragraph summary of the article/reading
  • Notes on any interesting points in the text with notes on location (pg. # or paragraph)
  • Open-ended questions for discussion or notes on any points you found complex or confusing
  • 1-2 quote(s) from the text that stood out to you as a reader

Grading Criteria: 

  • Written quality, quantity, and how legible the notes are
  • The submission of an annotated version of the reading and a separate page full of notes that address the needs listed in the bullet points above. 
  • Advances and highlights the arguments made in the text(s)
  • Effective use of language to communicate ideas clearly by correctly employing grammar usage, proofreading, and mechanics
  • Follows assignment requirements and expectations listed above
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