Refecltion Assignment on 3 case studies

As you respond to the each of the three case studies below, please make sure to:
 Craft well-written, grammatically correct responses that draw clear connections between the points you are
making and what you have learned from the readings for this class
o Make sure to review the rubric for this assignment. The Section Instructors will be scoring for 1) taking
a position/outlining a course of action, 2) application of course materials, 3) clarity, and 4) polish and
readability. There are 100 points possible for this assignment.
 Incorporate at least 2 quotes or APA style in-text citations per case to support the claims you are making.
o Need help getting started with APA style citations, visit:
 Ensure you list all of the sources you are citing in your responses on a properly formatted reference page.
o If you need help developing your reference page, visit:
nce_list_basic_rules.htmlI have attcahed both of the books for the references. The fisrt one cases from the ethics readings which is the elemestsof moral and the other two cases from the teams readings which is the dynamics for teams one . thanks you 

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