Data Presentation Essay

Instruction about the assignment

Word count 2000 words

Topic HIV compare two countries Kenya and South Africa



World Health Organisation

For this essay you will select one disease to explore. You will present, analyse and discuss data on the disease in the essay.

The data is available from the World Health Organisation, and guidance is provided on how to access and download this data below.

Throughout the module, you will have session on basic data analysis, interpretation of data.

As part of your class of your classroom session, you will learn how to use Excel and SPSS to conduct some basic, descriptive data analysis to be used in this assignment. This will prepare you for your essay.

The essay relates to all learning outcomes of the module, and these need to be demonstrated within the essay:

2. Demonstrate knowledge of how communicable and non-communicable diseases affect individuals and communities.

3. Identify public health priorities in different regions of the world. Analyse factors that affect how countries respond to the threat of disease.

4. Identify the methods and epidemiological information used to describe the health of a population.

The essaymustconsist of the following sections. Use these section names as subheadings within your essay for each section:

Section 1: Introduce the disease (word count-around 300 words)

Provide a brief overview of the ONEdisease you have selected to discuss, including:

– Definition of terms and key concepts, e.g. If you are looking at TB, what is TB and what does TB treatment coverage mean *remember to reference your information sources in this section and throughout the essay.

– State two countries you have selected to base this assignment on.

– Identify and briefly explain what measures of the disease will be used.

Section 2: Describe the data collection & data sources (around 500 words)

Describe how you obtained the disease data you are going to present in the Data Analysis section. You need to consider how the data has been collected, and the strengths and potential limitations. You should also indicate the type of data you are presenting in a sentence (count/rate data etc). it is important to reflect on the strengths and limitations in relation to the two countries you are focused on.

Consider the following:

  • What methods were used to collect the data?
  • What are the data sources and how was the data generated? e.g WHO data can be from civil registration, household surveys etc.- what do you think the likely source of data would be depending on the civil registration coverage (this data is provided in the WHO repository).
  • How often is the data collected? Is the data complete?
  • What are the strength of the data?
  • What are the limitations of the methods of data collection or the data sources?

*Remember to use the informationon the WHO website to find out more about what your data is, and where it came from.

Section 3: Analyse the data

Provide a descriptive analysis of the disease data in your selected countries. No word limit is suggested here, given that you will be using tables, pie charts, bar graphs and so on to present your data. In this section you should:

  • Discuss disease data, including disease prevalence, mortality, and any trend over time in each. You should include at least two different measures of the disease.
  • You should use diagrams to present disease data and explain the diagrams. You must interpret and analyse the meaning.
  • Compare and contrast the disease data from the two countries.

Section 4: Discuss (around 500 words)

Discuss and interpret the data as a whole and consider the implications of the data to the countries you selected. Consider the following:

  • What does this data tell us? If you have observed countries- What recommendations would you make based on this data? For example, how can it be used to inform policy? – Does the data indicate that the disease should be public health priority for either or both countries?

Referencing & presentation

  • Reference list: Harvard Style referencing. Diverse use of appropriate evidence sources.
  • In text citations: Harvard Style referencing. Using of evidence sources and correct-text citations.
  • Presentation & Writing: academic writing style used (e.g., third person). Grammatically correct. UK correct spelling. Appropriate use and explanation) of any figures, table or graphs used. Clear labelling/titles for any figures, tables or graphs used.

Important information

Because of the nature of this assessment, the word count within each subheading/ section should be used strictly as a guideline. However, you should not reference lists are excluded from the word count.

This assignment requires referencing from appropriate academic sources, such as books and journal articles. Websites can be used, providing they are appropriate sources of information, such as CDC, WHO, NHS pages. Harvard referencing should be used.

Downloading the data for your assignment

The recommended data sets are provided by the world Health Organisation. You are expected to have downloaded the disease data from 2 countries by week 6, using the guild provided below and in-class demonstrations.

Some countries may have incomplete data on a disease, or too little for your assignment. Therefore, we encourage you early on to explore disease data from different countries you select, or the disease might not have appropriate data- so consider a few options you might be interested in basing this essay on.

The recommended data sets are found in World Health Organisation (WHO) Global Health Observatory Data repository GHO |By category ( (Links to an external site.)

Please follow the Downloading Data from WHO 2022.docx

Section 1: introduce the disease (word count-around 200 words)

Learning outcome 2: Demonstrate knowledge of how communicable and non-communicable disease affect individuals and communities.

introductionBrief overview of communicable OR noncommunicable disease selected, including:Clear definition of terms and key concerts used, citing appropriate supporting resource/ references. Countries of interest stated. Identifies and explains what measures of the disease will be used.

Section 2: describe the data collection & data sources (around 500 words)

Learning outcome 4: identify the methods and epidemiological information used to describe the health of a population.

Data descriptionType of data being presented explained. Data sources/methods of obtainment explained.Strengths and limitations of method/source discussed. Demonstrates an understanding of the data sources and methods of data collection used, and limitations/ strengths. Reflection on this relation to the countries referred to.

Section 3: Analyse the data

Learning outcome 2 &4: 4. Identify the methods and epidemiological information used to describe the health of a population; 2 Demonstrate knowledge of how communicable and non-communicable diseases affect individuals and communities.

DiscussionDiscusses and interprets data presented as a whole, with implications to the countries discussed.Key point raised in analysis explained, such as differences between countries and trends. Demonstrates an understanding of the data as a whole, and what this data means for the countries discussed.

Referencing & Presentation

ReferencingHarvard in text citations & reference list.Diverse and appropriate use of evidence sources and references.Presentation clear
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