A. Choose a topic of interest to you that has some controversy yet is not reported or is not reported often by media. Then convince readers why the topic should be reported or should be reported more often. B. Your paper should not be a string of research data. You are to research your topic; then use your own insight as a paste to hold the paper together. The majority of the paper should be your interpretation of the issue. Original thinking is necessary; plagiarism will result in receiving an F on the assignment. All papers will be submitted via a Turnitin drop box. * use MLA documentation (Use your handbook). You are required to uses both in-text citations (parenthetical citations) and entries on a works cited page. See the MLA chapter in your handbook. • All papers should be typed in Arial 12-point font (the font used on this paper). • The tentative thesis for the research paper must be approved by me (yet does not count for any points as homework or class work). See Blackboard for the due date. • Use at least three primary sources and two secondary sources (see the handbook). Furthermore, you must have at least three different types of sources such as scholarly article, book, government report or government document, section of a web page, pamphlet or bulletin, video, etc. You are not allowed to use certain types of choices, so check with me first to make sure your choices are acceptable . You must have each of your sources approved. See Blackboard for the due date. • The length of your paper should be between 2,000 to 2,500 words